Health-Quotes (17)
How many times have you heard this your attitude will make or break your day. Too many times, we let some one else’s behavior dictate how we are going to feel. You know I’m right. How many times have you started the day off happy and excited only to have your good mood crushed by someone cutting you off in traffic, taking the last cinnamon raising bagel (okay maybe that was just me), not saying good morning back when you walk into the office. Or, having a customer yell at you because the thing they ordered is not what they expected. Once any of those things happen or a hundred other things you have no control over your attitude goes into a slump. This week don’t take everything so personal, people have bad days, that does not mean that you have to join them. Be the light, that you would like to see in your part of the world. Say good morning with a smile, even if the intended recipient doesn’t say it back. Wish good things for the person who cut you off in traffic. When you set your intention to give light, love, and peace the other person’s behavior has no effect on you. It may not happen overnight, but darkness can’t beat the light of a good attitude. Try it and tell me how it goes.

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